There and back again

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My heart will go on

Well, this week I went to the heart doctor..... For those who don't know, I have an irregular heart beat. It only occurs when I go to bed, when I'm stressed. Right before I go to sleep it happens, it feels like I'm being hit by a train. It's scary, it is hard to breath when it happens.

Anyway, I went and saw the doctor. I have to wear a heart monitor for a month. Josh had something similar, only his was for a day. Since he always has his(he has a leaky valve in his heart), and mine only occurs occasionally. But the doctor said I should keep a "medical journal" when it happens. So don't freak if I say something weird like what I'm talking about.... Like last night, since I had the doctors appointment, and I had to strip from my belly button up. So lets just say it was Stressful with a capital S. So when I went to sleep my heart was going crazy. It was like beat. beat. beat...BEAT... beat. beat... beat......beat. beat. beat. beat... BEAT... beat. beat. BEAT...

Just like that. Yup. It has been like this for 3 or 4 years now. My mom has the same thing, only she says mine is worse.

That is my life now, I get a heart monitor the first week of school. Plenty of stress there! (cough*sarcasm*cough)

have a good week everyone.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Year of 2010

Well, this year, will be interesting.

For myself, this year:

-I will be turning 20 (No longer a teenager! [yay!])

-I will be finishing my AA [Major: Fine Arts/Art History] at Victor Valley College (Super yay!)

-I hopefully will be accepted into Cal State San Bernandino. (Hopefully!)

-I will be developing my photography.

I am excited! I don't know what will happen... There was drama last year, pain, hurts, happiness, boredom, felicity, vexations, sickness, fun, love, and craziness.... This year too, hopefully!

Monday, December 28, 2009

How time does fly...

This might be called a narration of the year I had before. A recall of the year 2009, in the words of Erin, of her life, this year.

Even though I have the misfortune to be most forgetful, especially in my memories. I shall give my explanation, of those that I remember...

Well in January on the 20th, Barack Obama became president of the United States. On that same day, I had ankle surgery. It was a corrective surgery, my ankle grew wrong so they made it right again. When I went under, Bush was president. When I woke up, Obama was president. It was an interesting day. I had a cast for two weeks. Lets just say that those two weeks were the most difficult of the whole year. The week I got my cast off, I went to the ER because I woke up putting weight on my foot against the foot board of my bed. It pain was bad enough to make me lose sleep, even with my super pain medication. When I returned home, I had a fever/head cold/stomach flu... God bless the hospitals....

After that I was in physical therapy for a month. Then school started again. I finished my high school work on January 26, thus ending high school half a year early. I then started college as a college student, full time. It isn't as hard as high school, but it is a lot more work.

February 16th, Becky turned 21.

Then I was busy with school forever and ever... About May, is when terror attacked. Literally. My dad and uncle were attacked by bees. I was chased around my grandma's house by the bees. My dad and uncle were taken to the hospital in ambulances... It was one of the most terrifying times of my life....

May 20th, Josh turned 16.

Around that time I had a boyfriend, Zac. He was very kind to me, and I am thankful for that... Unfortunately, it didn't work out, and two months later we broke up.

In June I graduated from high school officially. It was such a ghetto graduation...There were so many gangs there, cheering for their little sisters who were graduating... My dad is paying my brother not to go to his graduation.

On August 12th, I turned 19 years old. My last year as a hoo.... My dad turned 52 on the same day. We had youth group over for my birthday. Honestly, it wasn't what I really wanted, but you must be happy with what you get....

School started again... Forever and ever... I had a drawing class that I learned soooo much from. It was grand.

Then in December, school ended and won't start again until next year!

On December 16th, my mom turned 50.

Christmas was great, it was a lot of fun even though it wasn't very eventful... Though that is fine with me!

Now I'm just waiting for the new year, my last year at the college! Then in the Fall I hopefully will transfer to Cal State... Hopefully.... =)

That is my recollection of 2009, there are lots of holes. I know. I am quite forgetful..... But that was my year, hopefully next year will be as eventful!


Friday, October 16, 2009

Chapter 1 is always the best

Pride and Prejudice
by Jane Austen (<---- My favorite author)

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. However little is known that feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, the he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.

I would have to think.... Poor man, being property of some one or other of someone's daughters. Sad day. It still happens now-a-days, sadly. Hahahahaha.... I love this book. You should read it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

That dull pain that creeps up

I really hate being sick. Especially with the flu, just because of that dull pain that covers your whole body. This morning I woke up at 7:30 because the top teeth and gum's hurt for some reason, it was really strange. I was sick last week too, but I got whatever my brother got so not cool... Hopefully I get better by tomorrow because I have to present at school tomorrow. Blah.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mamma Mia!

Here I go again..... Well today I give my first public speaking class speech... OMG. I am so nervous. My teacher told me that you need to turn your nervous energy into positive energy, but do you know how hard that is??? Geez, people I am not a machine, I cannot think like that... Got to go, working on the rest of my speech.... =O


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Jane Austen was always a favorite

I just watched the BBC version of Sense and Sensibility. And there was a remark that I took and quite ran with. "Why are men so difficult to understand? What are we to them? People or playthings?" (-Marianne)....

I concur with Marianne. What are woman to men? I guess to most we are people, but then to most we are playthings. Now I am not one of those women who get offended by men, I believe a man should be the head of the house and the "ruler of his house". It's just finding that guy who can "tame the beast". Because of my "strong-will" as my mother puts it, I am beginning to wonder if I could ever meet such a man. I've only found some pretty weak ones, and even at that I wonder if I was a person or a plaything to them. (I'm finding myself write on what I desire in a man) =)

I am quite inclined to find a man like Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. Someone strong, but with the inclination to bring out the best in his partner. Any couple, engaged or married or even just together, if destined to be must have a "grasp" of their partner. Being able to understand and control an amount of their lives, but not to the point of destroying any dreams. Unless it is destined to fail and the other can see it. Encouragement should be of great importance to the "couple". There might be faults, but sometimes they can't be helped. That's life, no one is perfect.
Now whether we begin the search with that in mind or find out half way through the search, could make things difficult, but it really makes no difference.

Trust is another thing, in the Pride and Prejudice story, Elizabeth's youngest sister, Lydia, is forced to marry the man she ran off with. Now Lydia will have to be stuck with a man who she will never be able to trust, unless she is so blind she does not see his disagreeable traits. Trust is not just grasped and can be let go of in a moments notice. If you trust someone, there should be no doubt or problems with what they do. Sure you can feel, uncomfortable, but what they do in the end is their choice (unless your their mother of course!).

Romance with a spark of mischief is also quite desirable, well for me anyways. (haha) You can always tell those types. They are quite humorous to watch, especially when they are trying to get your attention! Though, knowing myself, I might end up with just a romantic (hopefully at that).

Forgiveness is big one with me though. I hate, hate, hate the fact that no one forgives.I know it can be hard at moments, but really you know what it can do to relationships if you don't forgive. Sure they can blow over sometimes, but you keep that thought in your head it can bring very bitter thoughts in your mind. And you can use it to stab the person next time you see them and "fight" or whatever. It is quite vexing in the matter, forgiveness is a gift that should be freely given to everyone, whether they deserve it or not. Most people it takes them a long time to learn it. Myself included, but hopefully I am trying harder to stop the silliness.

Well I'm done talking of the matter, hopefully it brings understand to any person who reads it. And if it seems silly or bothers anyone, I'm sorry, those are just inclinations of a very silly 19 year old romantic girl.... =)