Thursday, April 30, 2009

Last Day of April 2009

In 25 minutes it will be May 1st, 2009.... Hard to believe it. In 20 days and some hours my baby brother will turn 16. It will be summer break soon, and I will graduate at the end of the month... Hard to believe....

2009 think back:
January: New year, finished high school work
February: Becky's 21st birthday, (Valentine's Day... fav. holiday)
March: Started as a full-time college student
April: Surviving as a full-time college student

2009 look forward to:
May: Josh's 16th birthday!!!
June: Graduation from high school, signing up for CSU-SB
July: Summer!
August: Daddy's 52st birthday and my 19th birthday
September: Start final semester of VVC
October: Halloween? Idk, school
November: Thanksgiving, school
December: Mommy's 50th birthday, Transfering to CSU-SB, Christmas... hehe

That's what I have to look forward to this year!

Now I don't know if there will be anything good in between those years, but I am praying that there is!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Following shadows

Have you ever thought you were doing the right thing, living the right life, giving the right things? Have you ever thought that and then had everything turned upside down, everything you thought was right, is made to look like it is wrong? The road you once followed now has a bend and narrow path that you never seemed to notice before. Then someone who has been on that road, shows up and says, "Have you ever thought to wander from the norm?". Then you get that taste of freedom for the first time... Such a happiness, bliss... Then you go back on the old path for the sake of "others", and there is that longing.... Longing for that freedom and that happiness, but you don't know if you can return to that happiness without hurting the "others". Which path would you choose?


These are some haiku's I wrote:

Going through the jungle deep
I suddenly see a tiger jump me
I woke from my dream

Walking down the lonely pier
I see a couple sitting near me
Secretly I am truly jealous

Cookies are good and sweet
They are always enjoyable to the taste
Willing and able to please


Monday, April 27, 2009

Wind blowing on my face

Is it possible to be in love with a place? The ocean is a place I could stay near or by, but it's hard because I love Hesperia. I know that sounds crazy, most people say they can't wait to get away from the desert, but I love it here. I grew up in this place, my friends are here, my family, my home..... But, when ever I go to the ocean, I feel so at peace.... It is hard to explain. I love my home, but I feel at home near the ocean... It's weird.

My brother's dog, Cody, is sitting in my arms. Do you know how hard it is to type with a little dog in your arms? Very.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

True love waits

The one I love,
He'd give it all for me.
The one who cares,
He'd be happy with who I am.
The one who will sweep me off my feet,
He'll be the I give my heart to.
The one, the only, everlasting love.

~Erin Bryan

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fun quotes

Guys (or girls) are like jeans, you have to try on a bunch before you find the perfect pair that fits you perfectly and look great!
~Erin Bryan

I'm not crazy... I'm insanely awesome!
~Erin Bryan

"Oh, but if he seems happy, I will know that he's decided to marry Harriet, and I will not, I know I will not be able to let him tell me. But if he seems sad, I'll know that John has advised him against it. I love John! Or he may seem sad because he fears telling me he will marry my friend. How can John let him do that? I hate John! " ~Emma (The movie... you know?)

Billy Black: I'm down with the kids.
Charlie Swan: [sarcastically] Oh yeah, you're the bomb.

"Only the Truest love can ever persuade me into matrimony,.. that is why I am convinced I shall end an Old Maid..."
~ Elizabeth Bennett (Pride and Prejudice)

Faith... is the art of holding on to things your reason once accepted, despite your changing moods.
~C. S. Lewis

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.
~C. S. Lewis

"There is only on relationship that matters, and that is your personal relationship to a personal redeemer and Lord. Let everything else go, but maintain that at all costs, and God will fulfill His purpose through your life."
~Oswald Chambers

"He gave her 12 roses, 11 real and 1 fake. When he gave them to her, he told her, "I will love you until the last rose dies"." ♥

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

el gato es muy loco (if that is right?)

Well, I'm re-learning the Spanish language. My neighbor who goes to my church is helping me, she is just talking in Spanish to me whenever I am around. Its funny because I don't understand a word of what she is saying, but that's what makes it fun! <3 Anyway, my spring break was amazing! I didn't even have to worry about school, even though it brings more stress now that I have to. That and I had a lovely time with a new friend and even met a new family I didn't know before.

Anywho, it is almost 1am and I have to be up by 7am, so I am going to sleep now.



Monday, April 13, 2009

I feel slightly dumb

Well, this morning was the morning for my wisdom teeth to be removed.... But for some reason, I was hungry before I left so I ate a roll. I remembered that they said "Do not eat 6 hours before the surgery"... I was like.... Crap..... My brother had a appointment for his braces anyway, so it wasn't a total waste of our time, but I am tired and grouchy and upset with my stupidity. Ugh, I can't believe I did that!!! I really am an idiot! Well, I am sick too, that's another reason I couldn't go, but I'm almost better! I wish I could have gone to the beach too...... Oh well, life isn't supposed to go my way 100% so I guess I'll have to live with 25%.... SLEEP!!!!! =D Yayness!

I also have to save up for a new camera too.... Which is hard because I don't have a job. Then my mom says I can't get one, while my dad says go for it.... So I don't know what to do.... I'm missing part of my being... My creative soul is zilch without photography. That's were I get most of my painting ideas. That it's portable art! *sigh* I'll have to see. Anyway, I need some sleep, I am very upset with myself so I'm taking a nap!


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sad day

My camera is broken.... I am depressed.

Calling it quits

Taking chances.
Getting back up.
Getting back up.
Getting back up.

This is real. This is me. Not you. Not your brother. Not your roommate. Not a stranger. Just me. Don't change me, unless it's unconsciously done. I would appreciate that. Thank you.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The horror, the pink, fluffy horror!

Today I went to the dentist. Arg, I no likey the dentist. He inflicts pain and tries to be your friend. Bad combination.... I also get my wisdom teeth out on Monday. They say that I should be fine and that the teeth are all wonderful and not compacted (whatever that means?). They also told me that I have to get an IV.... I think my heart stopped when they said that. My mom thought I was quiet before when I lost my voice? Nope, I've had an IV before, not pretty! I didn't get a bruise, but its the thought of a needle sitting under my skin! That's the weird, scary part. Anyway, I should be doing homework.... Like I need it. I kills trees.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What a day!

Today, I had a lot of fun! Went to school, got some lunch, hung out with Tim and adventured around the college, and just had a blast altogether. I must say, I've never had as much fun at that college before as I had today. Climbing down the death defying hill by the Art Building, then trying not to fall in the lake... Or be pushed (haha).

I can't wait until Thursday, last day of school before Spring Break! Woohoo! I can't wait for a break... Then I can do fun stuff, like, sleep.... Nothing else I really do? Hmmm... I need a hobby. Maybe I'll go to the beach! That would be cool.... I'm rambling.... Wow... Anyway, I should probably get ready to go to bible study. Important topic tonight: Sexual Immorality. I couldn't answer very many of the questions, but it had good suggestions! That I will follow! Anywho, later!
