Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Following shadows

Have you ever thought you were doing the right thing, living the right life, giving the right things? Have you ever thought that and then had everything turned upside down, everything you thought was right, is made to look like it is wrong? The road you once followed now has a bend and narrow path that you never seemed to notice before. Then someone who has been on that road, shows up and says, "Have you ever thought to wander from the norm?". Then you get that taste of freedom for the first time... Such a happiness, bliss... Then you go back on the old path for the sake of "others", and there is that longing.... Longing for that freedom and that happiness, but you don't know if you can return to that happiness without hurting the "others". Which path would you choose?

1 comment:

  1. You are responsible to take care of yourself first. Only then can you help out the others. It took me a LOOOOOOOOONG time to figure that out. You gotta find you.
