Monday, April 27, 2009

Wind blowing on my face

Is it possible to be in love with a place? The ocean is a place I could stay near or by, but it's hard because I love Hesperia. I know that sounds crazy, most people say they can't wait to get away from the desert, but I love it here. I grew up in this place, my friends are here, my family, my home..... But, when ever I go to the ocean, I feel so at peace.... It is hard to explain. I love my home, but I feel at home near the ocean... It's weird.

My brother's dog, Cody, is sitting in my arms. Do you know how hard it is to type with a little dog in your arms? Very.



  1. i freakin' love san diego, and the beach. have you been to carmel-by-the-sea?? you would dig it. :)

  2. The water is amazing... hard for me to leave every time!
