Monday, December 28, 2009

How time does fly...

This might be called a narration of the year I had before. A recall of the year 2009, in the words of Erin, of her life, this year.

Even though I have the misfortune to be most forgetful, especially in my memories. I shall give my explanation, of those that I remember...

Well in January on the 20th, Barack Obama became president of the United States. On that same day, I had ankle surgery. It was a corrective surgery, my ankle grew wrong so they made it right again. When I went under, Bush was president. When I woke up, Obama was president. It was an interesting day. I had a cast for two weeks. Lets just say that those two weeks were the most difficult of the whole year. The week I got my cast off, I went to the ER because I woke up putting weight on my foot against the foot board of my bed. It pain was bad enough to make me lose sleep, even with my super pain medication. When I returned home, I had a fever/head cold/stomach flu... God bless the hospitals....

After that I was in physical therapy for a month. Then school started again. I finished my high school work on January 26, thus ending high school half a year early. I then started college as a college student, full time. It isn't as hard as high school, but it is a lot more work.

February 16th, Becky turned 21.

Then I was busy with school forever and ever... About May, is when terror attacked. Literally. My dad and uncle were attacked by bees. I was chased around my grandma's house by the bees. My dad and uncle were taken to the hospital in ambulances... It was one of the most terrifying times of my life....

May 20th, Josh turned 16.

Around that time I had a boyfriend, Zac. He was very kind to me, and I am thankful for that... Unfortunately, it didn't work out, and two months later we broke up.

In June I graduated from high school officially. It was such a ghetto graduation...There were so many gangs there, cheering for their little sisters who were graduating... My dad is paying my brother not to go to his graduation.

On August 12th, I turned 19 years old. My last year as a hoo.... My dad turned 52 on the same day. We had youth group over for my birthday. Honestly, it wasn't what I really wanted, but you must be happy with what you get....

School started again... Forever and ever... I had a drawing class that I learned soooo much from. It was grand.

Then in December, school ended and won't start again until next year!

On December 16th, my mom turned 50.

Christmas was great, it was a lot of fun even though it wasn't very eventful... Though that is fine with me!

Now I'm just waiting for the new year, my last year at the college! Then in the Fall I hopefully will transfer to Cal State... Hopefully.... =)

That is my recollection of 2009, there are lots of holes. I know. I am quite forgetful..... But that was my year, hopefully next year will be as eventful!


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