Monday, June 15, 2009

My horrible experience...

Today I got my wisdom teeth out.... Ouch..... I got to the doctors and waited about an hour until they called me back... Then they put me in a chair and put sticky things on my chest and belly, so they could hear my heart beat. Then they took my blood pressure and made me use my inhaler before the "exciting" stuff happened... I had to take my hair out and put it in a blue fluffy hat. Then the doctor came in and put the IV in my hand. I didn't cry for once.

They then put a medicine in to make any swelling go down... boy did it hurt and itch.. i won't tell you where, but it was BAD. Then I sat there while they prepped me.... Then they put a needle in and I feel sleepy and BAM! I was out....

I woke up, my head hurt, my whole body hurt... It was so strange... My mind was working and fine, but my body was achy and I couldn't open my eyes and I couldn't talk (course I had gauze in my mouth), but i remember them picking me up and talking and then dragging me to the car..... being in the car, going home.... yahhh i have had a bad day today.... hopefully it gets better soon....

I miss him a lot..... I love you Zac!

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