Friday, February 27, 2009

Is it true?

Is it true that penguins can't fly? Or just lack the imagination? I don't know, but sometimes I wish I was a penguin. They are so brave to live in such a harsh climate and be such good swimmers, makes up for their lack of flying.

Anyway, to get away from my random moment. I went to school today (Could I be anymore blunt?), but I went to my Art History class at 8 in the morning and normally this wouldn't really bother me. Except the door kept sticking. Now the handicapped table is right next to the door, now its not right next to it. It's at least a yard away, so because of my ankle it would take me a few seconds to get there. So when the door sticks and the door knob is turning with a student struggling to get inside their class (that they are obviously late for). So anyway, I have to tear myself away from the amazing video on the Lascaux Cave paintings, but by the time I got up to open the door. It would open, they would walk in, and I would have to hobble back to my seat... Bitterly. I did this about 5 times before the teacher sat by the door and opened it for the late people.

Now, my math class.... Oh, math! The horrible essence of life that we all depend on (if this doesn't make sense in the morning I'm done). My teacher is 50 some years old. He thinks he is hilarious, what I mean by that is that he will say something and just start cracking up where he can't even speak.... I guess some people feel sorry that he is laughing by himself because they nervously join in. "Maybe if I join in he'll give me a good grade!" I just shake my head and wish he would go on with the lesson.

My Design 1 class...... Now understand that I don't hate these teachers or students, just writing about their quirks. But, my Art 112 teacher is about 24 years old and quite the talker. The last class I went to (because class has been canceled twice in a row), he told us he was going to give a 15 min. lecture, then we could work on our projects. Well, my class is 2 hours long. The 15 min. lecture turned into a 2 hour lecture. Thus we got nothing done, and the projects that were due that Thursday, are done. Whether or not he's there could pose a problem.

Those are my teachers, the others are online. I think the funniest name I've heard for a prof. is my health teacher, Coach Paine (pronounced "Pain"). So yah, I thought these were funny things in my life.... Or at least to me. Whether you think so also or not, I should be going to bed.... oy.

ttfn (thanks Tim)

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