Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Life before death.. and taxes.

Well, this morning in my Art History class, I got a text from my mom saying that a gentleman that goes to my church died. I didn't really know him that well, but still, its always hard to think that a person who I knew walked, talked and breathed... Is gone. Now I know he's not gone, just from his earthly home. I know he's with his heavenly Father, no more pain, no more fear, just being with God. How wonderful does that sound?

I have a math test today, that I am supposed to be studying for. Ever notice that studying is "student" and "dying" put together? I got that from a flair. I also have ladies bible study tonight and I haven't even started it.... I'm gonna get in trouble again.

Does it seem like on bad days that the bad stuff seems to keep coming? Here is my list of bad things happening in my day.
1. Ward died.
2. I have a math test.
3. I'm not done with the homework due.
4. I'm not done with my bible study
5. I can't get a certain person out of my head.
6. I can't stop thinking about my future.
7. I forgot about my Health class... its online.
8. I Still can't get a certain person out of my head.
9. My sister's cat hates me because I went crazy white girl on her... funny story.
10. I want to say yes when I had to say no....

Today is a bad day, but its nice knowing that God is there for us in the end (and all the time!). Its comforting. Now, I'm home alone, so I need some coffee... ugh... so tired. long day ahead of me too. Oh well.

During my art history class, I wrote down a list of places I want to go in the future. I just thought I would write them down.

1. England (to see Stonehenge and the cities)
2. Eygpt (pyramids/ sphinx/ and the tombs)
3. Ireland (just for my own profit)
4. France (Cave paintings and Eiffel Tower)
5. Spain (Cave paintings and own benefit)
6. Japan (Just cuz)

In state:
1. New York
2. Ohio (Relatives live there and to see the Amish)
3. Northern California
4. 4 corners (Arizona, California, Nevada, and New Mexico.. I think?)
5. The Lincoln Memorial... Not sure where that is.

But that is a list of places I want to go, a lot I know, but I love traveling. But you know what they always say, "There's no place like home!"

ttfn <3

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