Monday, March 2, 2009


I remember the days when boys simply had cooties. No problems and no questions asked, but that is all changed now. The thought about boys (especially "certain" boys) makes my heart beat wildly. I know that probably the majority of my readers are boys, and that's fine. I just don't understand "men", and I know I'm not supposed to. It's just so difficult to grasp that there is one out there for me?

My parents have been telling me to want certain things in a guy, so that I'll know who he might be someday, but the truth is I don't really know. I know for certain that he has to be a Godly, loving man who can take care of a house, but after that I'm not sure. I know he has to be older then me because of a past experience, and has to love me too, same experience. In my life, I've only had one boyfriend and have been very, very badly burned from it. It really stinks because I gave away my first kiss to a guy who didn't care about me, and that hurts me still.

Every girl looks forward to getting married, but there's a problem in finding "Mr. Right". I guess I should think about what I want in a guy, but every guy is so different and what if I pass him by because he isn't what I "want". Maybe I'm over thinking the subject, but I don't what to let my expectations get in the way of what I really need. I want to be like Elizabet Bennet and have a Mr. Darcy to come and slowly fall in love with. My parents dated for 2 weeks when they became engaged, but they waited a year before getting married and my dad's father was dying when he asked her. People scoff at that now, but my parents have been married for 27 going on 28 years this April. It's hard to believe, but it's true.

I know when I find someone, I want to be very sure with God that he is the one for me. I don't want to make the same mistake twice. I know God will show me "Mr. Right" or I might even know him now! But I'll be waiting, and I can't wait.

ttfn <3

1 comment:

  1. dear erin,
    i think i know from whence you come...i daresay i've been there myself.

    i always found the best advice is to keep running hard after jesus, and take notice of who may be running next to you. on the other hand, not everyone who is running with you is right for you, which is why it's good to have an idea of what you want. it's wise. your parents are wise to tell you that. you will avoid more broken hearts. trust me - i've been there, done that.

    on the flip side, it might be dangerous to get caught up in your 'list', as you have said, but the 'list' is there to guide you, and it will help.

    but, all that being said, as cliche as it may sound, i've found it much more satisfying to deepen my relationship with God and concentrate on growing in him. he totally knows what you need, better than you do yourself. i know this from experience. if you delight yourself in the Lord, you will desire what he desires, and he will grant those desires (ps. 37.4)

    and...(you knew this was coming ;o) ), you still have plenty of time, cuz you're a young whipper snapper. i can say this with all the confidence my 26 years have given me. i still have plenty of time, and so do you, for those special guys to find us (prov 18.22; notice it says HE who FINDS a WIFE. not SHE who FINDS a HUSBAND, because the guys are supposed to do the chasing ;o). it's all in god's timing, yes?

    ok, this is really quite long. but feel free to hit me up if you need anything else :o).
