Thursday, March 26, 2009

Purposed filled life

I know, not everyone agrees with anyone on everything, but I hate being told I'm wrong.... It is so horrible, I know, but its hard for me to say, "I'm wrong". If I know I'm truly wrong, then I will apologize, but I have the tiny bit of a chance of being right I stick with it. Just had to get that out.

Today is a concert that I am going to. I am, well, excited I guess? I mean, its not a BIG deal. I love music, so it is an adventure. I have to ditch a class though to go.... So I mean, its not a BIG deal there either.... I'm so bad, this is the first class I've ever ditched in my two years of college. hehehe....

I'm not looking forward to my math class, my professor makes us go through out tests (that he hasn't organized at all) to find our tests. Last time, my class starts at 1:30, so when everyone had got their tests and we started, it was 2:30. The class is supposed to get out at 3:10 so we had a short lesson. I always thought professors were supposed to be organized.... I guess not?

The one thing I don't like about college is that there never seems to be enough time for "me" time. I have been trying to read the book, Emma by Jane Austen for about a week now. I'm on chapter 2. Maybe if I actually did my homework, instead of sleeping or cleaning.... That would work. I should to laundry too, but you know, homework is due in two days so got to get to work!

That's what I should be doing now... I guess.... hehe... later!

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